Inventory Checklist
Taking your Home Inventory
You never know when a disaster may strike, but you can be prepared with an up to date home inventory.
When was the last time you made a complete home inventory? Did you know that having an up-to-date home inventory will help you purchase enough insurance to replace the things you own, get your insurance claims settled faster and substantiate losses for your income tax return.
The problem is many of us don’t worry about this until it’s gone.
So how do you take a home inventory?
It may seem hard at first to record information about everything you have in your house, but don’t let that put you off. First, decide on a way to make an inventory that works for you. You can do it room by room, category by category (furniture, electronics, etc.), from newest items to oldest or from most expensive purchases to less expensive ones.
- Write everything down in a notebook
- Take photos and save them with the information and receipts
- Use your video camera to walk through your house and describing the contents at the same time
- Use the free home inventory tool Know your stuff, provided by My insurance shopper
*Remember to store a copy of your inventory in a safe place outside of you home—with a friend or in a safety deposit box. That way you’ll be sure to have something to give your insurance representative if your home is damaged. Also, whenever you make a significant purchase, remember to add the information to your inventory while the details are fresh in your mind.
My Insurance Shopper Know Your Stuff® – Home Inventory tool
Know your stuff is a free online home inventory software that makes creating and updating your home inventory easy, efficient and fun (yes fun!). It has secure online storage, gives you access to your inventory anywhere and anytime and best of all its completely free!
Check out the home inventory tool here