Report Automobile Accidents directly to your broker using a simple form, insuring no details get overlooked. You can even take photos of the accident.
Locate the Nearest Collision Reporting Centre and Body Shop. Utilizing GPS technology you can find what you're looking for quickly.
Submit Property Claims quickly and easily, including photos, right from your phone.
Report Special Home Inventory Items of precious belongings, including descriptions, estimated value, and photos.
Contact your broker with the touch of a button, by phone, email or go directly to your website.
View Archived Accident Reports at any time.
Download the app, its free!
Insurance companion is a mobile app available for Android, iPhone and Blackberry devices.
Requires: iPhone 3GS, 4 or better running i0S 6.0 or higher.
Username: FECoyne
Password: pass10437
Grab the easy step by step instructions below
Requires: Requires: android smartphone running android version 2.1 or higher.
Access Code: 10437
Grab the easy step by step instructions below
Blackberry smartphone running
0S6 or higher.
Access Code: 10437
Grab the easy step by step instructions below